Mentions légales

Legal information
Registered office
Greenflex BV
Ovenhoek 49
8800 Roeselare

Contact details
Tel.: +32 9 222 79 99
Fax: +32 9 222 89 99

Legal form of the enterprise
Limited company
Registry of legal entities
Commercial court of Gent – Department Kortrijk

Company number – VAT number – EORI number
VAT BE 0560 761 552

General conditions
Check our general conditions of sale here.

GREENFLEX BV cannot be held liable for any disruptions, interruptions or faults on its website. GREENFLEX BV is not responsible for any content which would be available on external websites linked to this website.

Use of the site

Intellectual Property
All texts, layouts, photos, logo or elements of any kind on GREENFLEX BV’s website are protected by intellectual property rights.

The publications, communication and making available to the public of photos, documents, information or translations of this website for commercial purposes is prohibited, unless prior written consent has been obtained from GREENFLEX BV.

Applicable law and competent court

Privacy policy
Check our privacy policy here.

Entry into force
These Conditions are valid as from 01 January 2020.

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