Home » Kartonverpackungen » ProducePack™ Punnet
ProducePack™ Punnet
Our ProducePack™ Punnet Trays, designed and developed by Graphic Packaging, are made from renewable cardboard. They offer a sustainable alternative to PP and APET trays.
Innovative cardboard-based alternative to plastic punnets
ProducePack™ Punnet stands out for its visibility on store shelves and durability, with the potential for up to 100% plastic reduction if no barrier coating is required.
With ProducePack™ Punnet, you maintain your production efficiency because these trays can be sealed as quickly as traditional plastic punnets.
Voordelen van ProducePack™ Punnet
This sustainable packaging can achieve a plastic reduction up to 100% (if barrier coating is not required). The cardboard is made from renewable fibers.
Consumer experience
Shelf life
The ProducePack™ Punnet offers the same shelf life as traditional trays. As a result, less food is wasted.
Operational efficiency
The ProducePack™ Punnet can be sealed at the same speed as traditional plastic punnets. Available in all common sizes and suitable for a variety of applications.
- Offer a sustainable alternative to traditional PP and APET trays
- Ideal for fresh fruits and vegetables
- Made from renewable cardboard