
How Greenflex contributes to the SDG’s


Greenflex supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a vital framework for collective action and influence on the systemic issues that our planet faces. The SDGs, which the United Nations General Assembly adopted in 2015, encompasses 17 objectives ranging from eradicating extreme poverty to gender equality, water quality, zero hunger, decent employment, and clean, cheap energy. The aspirations of the SDGs will necessitate collaboration and contributions from all sectors – industry, government, and civil society.

While it is possible to connect our work to all SDGs, best practice requires businesses to choose specific sectors to have the most significant impact. Here are some examples of how we contribute to society by focussing on six important key Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG3: Good Health and Well-Being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Greenflex aims to improve the work environment by facilitating a healthy and safe workplace. We recognize our obligation to the communities we serve, as well as our commitment to the well-being of our personnel. As an employer, we consistently prioritize our employees’ health and safety. We are a high-performing team that produces outstanding outcomes. We are firmly focused on meeting our environmental goals and making a positive influence for the customers we serve.

We care about the well-being of our employees. Our in-house fitness facility and the weekly running team ensure a healthy lifestyle for all who work at Greenflex. Additionally, we provide a ventilated office and warehouse (“system D” with a return of 80%). The supply of fresh outside air is done mechanically instead of using window grilles. The system is provided with heat recovery, where the warm internal air is used to heat the fresh external air. This is preferable from an energy point of view but requires a more significant investment. 

At Greenflex, we respect the global food safety standards. We work relentlessly to develop and supply high-quality, safe products to our clients and consumers every day. Quality and food safety are fundamental to our business and are ingrained in our mission to reinvent the packaging industry and make a difference. We operate our company to ensure the safety of our goods and the excellence of everything we do. Working with chosen suppliers and business partners with a solid commitment to the appropriate procedures, competencies, culture, leadership, and routines to supply safe, high-quality products are part of this. Even our office building is HACCP approved.

To achieve this goal, we follow all applicable legal criteria for quality and food safety wherever we do business. In addition, Greenflex invests in an FCM food safety platform that allows us to assess compliance with international food safety laws and legislation.

SDG4: Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

At Greenflex, we believe that education frees the mind, opens the imagination, and is essential for self-esteem. It is the key to prosperity and opens up a world of possibilities, allowing every one of us to contribute to a progressing, healthy society. Learning helps everyone and should be available to everyone.

This is why we collaborate with different Belgian universities (e.g., Vives, UGent, KUL, Solvay, Artevelde Hogeschool) to offer internships for students. We believe that by sharing our expertise and allowing students to know the business world, we can help shape them into well-educated members of society. 

We like to invest in people by offering internal and external training. Additionally, we acknowledge the importance of life-long learning. That is why Greenflex offers its employees to broaden their expertise by giving them the opportunity to follow courses. Greenflex supports quality education for its employees and society. 

SDG8: Decent Work and Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Increasing labor productivity, lowering unemployment, particularly among young people and women, and expanding access to financial services and benefits are critical components of long-term, inclusive economic growth. But unfortunately, forced labor, child labor, and contemporary slavery are still prevalent, and we can only eradicate poverty via steady and well-paying work.

Per SDG 4, Greenflex focuses on investing in people by offering learning opportunities for its employees. As a result, employees at Greenflex are constantly broadening their expertise to enable company growth. Additionally, we aim to shape young minds through our internship program to help them become well-educated members of society. Working at Greenflex also means growing together. Employees are included in the decision-making process and contribute to expanding the business.

Greenflex is an international company, the most significant part of our revenue is generated through export to over 39 countries worldwide. Over the years, Greenflex has established partners in various countries worldwide. This is why we participate in several international fairs located in Belgium, Germany, Nigeria, etc. In addition, as a member of VOKA, we are part of a business network that contributes to the economic growth in Belgium.

SDG9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Improving resource efficiency has numerous benefits both for industry and society. It reduces our dependence on the world’s limited resources and helps to reduce waste and ensure that we can achieve more with less. For example, in the textile packaging industry, increased resource efficiency is achieved through innovative product development, inventive policy ideas, and new technologies.

Greenflex maintains an innovative mindset and always looks for new ways to support our broad network of valued clients. We thrive on unleashing our creativity and sharing our experience and know-how to offer the ideal packaging solution for our customers. For each food packaging question, we offer a custom solution.

Our R&D game is strong. Our team is continuously looking for innovations within the niche of the packaging industry we are operating in. For instance, look at our sustainable food packaging, which is an excellent answer to the global plastic reduction requirements. Besides, you can also find our products in other markets than the meat industry (i.e., the beer industry).

To further innovate the packaging industry, we are an active member of Pack4Food. Additionally, Greenflex remains in regular contact with knowledgeable organizations like Centexbel, VKC, KUL, Fedustria, and COBOT.

SDG12: Responsible production and consumption

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

In the production process, almost no wastewater is released. Wherever we can, we use surface water. Additionally, we improve our product range step-by-step. With the entrance of the Green Deal in Europe, we want to adapt our current products to the needs of today, but we also introduce new products that are sustainable by design. For example, the design of PaperSeal®, SlimFresh®, and SliceFresh reduce the plastic component by over 80% in food packaging. Additionally, we are developing sustainable netting by using biodegradable yarns, ensuring that our nets can return to nature.

SDG13: Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Clean energy is important to us. Increasing energy efficiency and looking for renewables in the energy mix are key concepts at Greenflex. We are based in an industrial zone following strict environmental and energy requirements with attention to biodiversity. The achievements of this project are summarized in a yearly report.

Our brand new facility in Roeselare, Belgium is certified as a Nearly Zero-Energy Building (NZEB). This means that the building has an outstanding energy performance because of its heavy insulation, solar panels, and innovative structure. The low amount of energy that our building requires is mostly gained from renewable sources. 

As a company, Greenflex can fulfill its energy consumption for the most prominent part via our photovoltaic panels on the roof. Thanks to our solar panels we avoid on average 7.4 tons of CO2 per year. In 2021, we reached a the milestone of 8.5 tons CO2. This is the equivalent of 678 trees planted, 5.6 long-haul flights or 42365km by carbon-fueled cars.

If necessary, we can connect to the heat grid should this be required in the future.

CO2 emissions avoided thanks to our solar panels!

Ton CO2/year
Long-haul flights
Kms by car

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