
Code of Conduct

One of the essential and core concepts of corporate activity is socially responsible company management. When business choices are made, the economic, social, and environmental ramifications must be considered, and a suitable balance of interests must be established. Greenflex seeks to raise awareness of these concerns among its members. This Code of Conduct serves as a guideline for Greenflex members’ ethical business behavior in dealings with customers and suppliers. Greenflex is devoted to its stakeholders’ superior interests and assists them in establishing solid roots for their innovative and high-quality goods and services on the national and worldwide market.

Food safety policy

At Greenflex we believe that the supply of high-quality products, packaging, and services that meet and exceed customer and consumer expectations is critical to our success. The obligation to assure the quality and food safety of all the products we create and distribute throughout our market is fundamental to this. Through the creation and implementation of quality and food safety systems, standards, and practices, we are committed to consistently improving the reputation of the brand we create and distribute, retaining customer trust in our portfolio.

Internal and external audits are used to assess, analyze, and certify the integrity of all Greenflex activities.

We believe that every employee bears responsibility for meeting quality and food safety obligations, both in their work and in their interactions with stakeholders. Every employee who has a direct impact on raw materials, packing, production, storage, and transportation of products is responsible for quality and food safety.

Our office is built according to HACCP standards. Greenflex invests in an FCM food safety platform that allows us to assess compliancy to global food safety laws and legislations.

Trespassing Policy

Greenflex is a private, self-contained corporation with its own facilities, buildings, lands, and grounds. Greenflex infrastructure access is only granted with Greenflex’s permission, which can be revoked at any time for any cause.

Our trespass policy is based on 5 pillars:

  1. Registered visitors
  2. Production access
  3. Employee access
  4. Logistics access
  5. Safety

Sustainability, environment and energy policy

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are supported by Greenflex as a vital framework for collective action and influence on the systemic issues that our planet faces. The SDGs, which were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, encompass 17 objectives ranging from eradicating extreme poverty to gender equality, water quality, zero hunger, decent employment, and clean, cheap energy. The aspirations of the SDGs will necessitate collaboration and contributions from all sectors – industry, government, and civil society.

Do you need more information on how Greenflex contributes to the SDG’s? Click on the corresponding SDG to learn more or read our blogpost.

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